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David Sable

Global CEO, Y&R

David Sable became Global CEO of Y&R in February 2011, but Y&R has long been in his blood. He joined the Y&R training program in 1976, and he credits this induction into the business as the foundation for much of what he has done in his life. 

Having gone on to work at Wells Rich Greene, and Miller Advertising, David later rejoined the Y&R family; working for both Burson-Marsteller and Cohn & Wolfe, and counseling great clients like Colgate-Palmolive, Digital Equipment Corporation and Coca-Cola.

He returned to Y&R Advertising in 1990 to lead the global portion of Colgate-Palmolive and help win the United States Postal Service consolidated account, before becoming Vice Chairman and COO of Wunderman – transforming the agency into one of the world’s leading digital networks.

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